2009年8月20日 星期四


Every girl likes shoes. Those babes just hang in there in the shop window.

And Every girl who is passing by will stop in front of the shop , staring at their ideal shoes and go inside to have a try.

I saw those babes in a Shop in Santorini.
They look faboulus.
Because I have to pay the hotel a big amount of money in Firostephani, I need to control myself on shopping.

I still thinking about the shoes when I left Santorini.

They are just so cute.

But the lucky things is! Some days ago When i was walking around shops in Athens, I surprisly find them again!!

And they are in 70% discount. The LAST PAIR!

I finally took them home and feel so happy like I adopt poor kids to give them a better life.

How does woman feel about shoes?
-Their kids?
-Their Treature?
-or their love of life.

I like to think this way. Even we lost everything in our life.
We 'll still have our shoes....

Don't u think that way?

Brand of this pair: United Nude.
Plastic , the same metrial like Crocs shoes. :)

Creative Commons License
Lost in Santorini by santoeva.blogspot.com is licensed under a Creative Commons 署名-禁止演绎 2.5 中国大陆 License.

